Kitakyushu, Japan

The ICEE Conference 2024

The International Council on Electrical Engineering

June 30 – July 4, 2024
Kitakyushu International Conference Center

Oral Presentation/Poster Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentation Guidelines

The following facilities will be provided for each technical session at the conference: A notebook PC, an LCD projector, a pointer and a projection screen. Please note that NO slide projector and overhead projector for transparencies will be provided. It is the responsibility of each presenter to come to the conference room at least 15 minutes before the oral session starts. Author is requested to bring along a USB memory stick with your presentation file to put it into the notebook for presentation. Also, it is recommended that you give a brief biography to the Session Chair. The expected format of the presentation file is the latest version of Microsoft Windows PowerPoint (version 2021) or PDF. Authors are advised not to bring in their own notebooks for the presentation, particularly to avoid possible compatibility problem with the LCD projector. Also, the author should not use video/audio clips in the presentation as it may have screen blanking or silent problem when playing the clips. All files put into the notebook are deleted by a technical staff of the conference room after the session.

15 and 5 minutes will be allocated to the presentation and QA of each paper, respectively. Please be careful not to exceed the time. The elapsed time will be always shown to the presenter by an electrical device. Please speak clearly, loudly and slowly for ease of hearing by all participants. It would be grateful if you could avoid just reading your manuscript. All slides used should be arranged in proper order and in appropriate orientation beforehand. Please try to make all wordings and pictures in clear, large in sizes and simple. Please also use graphs or charts instead of tables where possible. Be prepared to answer questions raised by the Session Chair and/or the audience after your presentation.

Copyright in published papers will be vested in the organiser. It is the authors’ responsibility to obtain and submit all written permissions required, including permission to quote material which has appeared in another publication. Authors are reminded that it is the responsibility of the authors, not the organiser, to determine whether disclosure of their material requires the prior consent of other parties and, if so, to obtain it. Statements and opinions given in the work are the expression of the authors and not those of the organiser. Responsibility for the content of published articles rests with the authors, not the organiser. The commercial contents of the presentation should be kept to minimal; the focus should be on the technical contents.

Please prepare the PowerPoint slide in ratio of 16:9. A PowerPoint file suggesting the format and presentation structure is attached for your information. The following headings in the presentation are suggested: Background of the work, Scope of the work, Work methodology, Result and Achievements, Benefits derived and Conclusion. Please save the presentation file name as “ICEE24_Paper Number_Presenting Author’s Full Name” (e.g. ICEE24_O001_Ichiro Suzuki).

Poster Presentation Guidelines

Poster Panel

One display panel will be allocated to each poster during the poster session. The display panel will be in a size of 1200 mm (W) x 1800 mm (H). The poster should not exceed the size of 850 mm (W) x 1200 mm (H). There is no restriction of the paper to be used for preparing the poster but preferably in white background. It can either be a single poster of a size up to 850 mm x 1200 mm or a multiple of A3 sheets. The poster is preferably in colour to get better attraction. The organiser will provide appropriate fixings to enable you to mount your poster neatly and easily.


  1. The text should be printed with large font size so that it can be read from a distance of at least 2 metres.
  2. The illustrations may consist of equations, graphs, photographs and short text bullets.

Display and Presentation

  1. All poster sessions will be held at Event Hall. Poster number on the display panel will be updated by the organiser.
  2. The authors are required to put their posters 15 minutes before the poster session starts.
  3. The posters with odd and even numbers should be presented in the first and second half in the poster session with each author standing next to the poster. The authors with even and odd numbers in the first and second half can walk through the poster session with other delegate to have discussions about posters. The author should be prepared to give a short presentation and answer questions from delegate who are interested in the poster.
  4. At the end of poster session PO2, PO4 and PO5, the authors are required to remove their posters in a timely way and to allow for the author of the next session to put up their respective posters. As for poster session PO1 and PO3, the authors are recommended to remove their posters at the end of DAY1 and DAY2 so that the delegate who are interested in the session can stay with posters. The organiser bears no responsibility for any damage or loss of the poster on display at the Conference.
  5. It is recommended that authors put their posters from 13:45 (DAY1) or 9:00 (DAY2 and DAY3) to the end of each day so as to attract more attention to those posters.

A sample of the poster presentation

poster presentation