語ろう! 放射線 -これからの放射線課題のいしずえ-


The 67th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Radiation Research Society

会 期
925 - 28
会 場



2024年5月1日(水) ~ 6月14日(金) 6月28日(金)正午



  • 原則として、発表者(プレゼンター)は日本放射線影響学会会員に限ります。未入会の方は入会手続きを行ってください(入会のお問い合わせはこちら)。
  • 大会中全セッションを通じて、1発表者(プレゼンター)の登録は原則1演題までとさせていただきます (やむを得ず複数回登壇の可能性がある場合、事前に大会事務局にご相談ください)。
  • 演題発表をいただく方は、日本放射線影響学会第67回大会への参加登録が必要です。


  • 日本放射線影響学会第67回大会では優秀演題発表賞の選考・授与を行います。
    ※発表は9月25日(水) 表彰式は9月26日(木)午後を予定しております。
  • 応募資格は学生会員または博士号取得後3年以内の正会員 となります。
  • 口演発表及び現地ポスター発表が対象となります。
  • 審査員による審査を経て、優秀演題発表賞受賞者を決定いたします。
  • 応募者多数の場合は2段階審査とし、1回目審査は、要旨の査読により実施予定です。
  • その審査結果につきましては、応募の皆様に電子メールにてお知らせ致します。
  • 1回目審査にて優秀演題発表賞候補に選出されなかった皆様は、一般演題の口演発表、またはポスター発表になりますのでご了承ください。


  • 一般口演とポスター発表を選択することが可能です。
  • 発表数多数の場合、ご希望に添えない場合があります。ご了承ください。


演題区分 Category 小区分 Sub Category
1.放射線生物学-損傷・修復 11 回復
12 DNA損傷
13 修復関連遺伝子・酵素
14 ヒト遺伝病
15 マイクロビーム、放射光
16 紫外線、活性酸素
17 細胞膜、細胞骨格、細胞小器官
18 その他
2.放射線生物学-放射線応答 21 シグナル伝達
22 細胞周期
23 アポトーシス・細胞死
24 低線量・低線量率
25 レドックス制御
26 その他
3.放射線生物学-放射線影響 31 突然変異
32 染色体異常
33 発がん
34 遺伝的不安定性
35 分化・老化・免疫
36 組織障害
37 その他
4.放射線医科学 41 放射線腫瘍学、放射線治療生物学
42 放射線治療物理学
43 粒子線治療
44 腫瘍免疫・免疫治療・アブスコパル効果
45 化学療法・増感
46 画像診断学、核医学
47 その他
5.放射線疫学・被曝影響 51 原ばく影響、胎内被ばく
52 職業被ばく、医療被ばく
53 被ばく事故-チェルノブイリと福島
54 その他
6.非電離放射線 61 非電離放射線
62 その他
7.環境影響 71 環境動態
72 宇宙環境、微小重力
73 放射能汚染
74 その他
8.放射線物理・化学 81 マイクロドジメトリー
82 放射線物理
83 放射線化学
84 その他
9.放射線教育 91 放射線教育
92 リスクコミュニケーション
93 その他





COI(利益相反、conflict of interest)開示について



  • 抄録が公開されることへの注意




  • 演題募集期間終了後に、演題の登録・修正・削除の操作は一切できませんのでご注意ください。
  • 登録内容の誤りについては事務局では一切責任を負いませんので、登録内容に間違いがないか、必ずご確認ください。
  • 登録完了後、一日経っても登録完了通知メールが届かない場合は、ご登録のメールアドレスが間違っているか、正しく演題が登録されていない可能性がございますので、運営事務局までお問い合わせください。
  • 登録完了通知メールが送られてこない状態で放置された場合、事務局は責任を負いかねますのでご了承ください。


  • 筆頭演者は01へ所属機関名を記入し01を選択、01の他に所属機関がある場合は02以降に所属機関名を記入し番号を選択
  • 共著者は筆頭演者と所属が同じであれば01を選択
  • 所属機関が異なる場合は02以降に所属機関名を記入し番号を選択


  1. 共著者情報
  2. 演題区分
  3. 発表形式


  1. 「医療法人○○会」「医療法人社団」などの法人格は、省略してください。
  2. 該当の発表分野を選択してください。「その他」を選択された方は、発表分野をご入力ください。
  3. 日本語演題名 字数: 最大60文字
    英語演題名  字数: 最大30ワード
  4. 要旨本文
  5. 登録完了後、登録されたメールアドレスに自動返信メールが届きますのでご確認ください。
  6. 応募演題の採否は運営事務局よりe-mailでご連絡いたします。








  • 日本放射線影響学会第67回大会
    第12回日本放射線事故・災害医学会 年次学術集会
    運営事務局 株式会社オービット
  • 〒806-0067 北九州市⼋幡⻄区引野1-5-31-101

Abstract Submission Period

Wednesday, May 1, 2024 - Friday, June 14, 2024 Friday, June 28, 12:00

Abstract submission is now closed.


  • Presenters must be members of the Radiation Effects Society of Japan in principle. If you are not a member, please apply for membership (click here for membership inquiries).
    This does not apply to non-members invited to present at symposiums and workshops.
  • In principle, each presenter is limited to one presentation during all conference sessions.
    (If a presenter may have to speak more than once, please consult with the Congress Secretariat in advance.)
  • Speakers must register to participate in The 67th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Radiation Research Society.

Presentation format

The presenters can choose either an oral presentation or a poster presentation.
There will be no e-posters at this conference.

Abstract Category

演題区分 Category 小区分 Sub Category
1. Radiation Biology
- Damage・Repair
11 Recovery
12 DNA damage
13 Repair-related gene・Enzyme
14 Hereditary human disease
15 Microbeam、Synchrotron radiation
16 Ultraviolet、Reactive oxygen
17 Cell membrane、Cytoskeleton、Organelle
18 Others
2. Radiation Biology
- Radiation Responses
21 Cell signaling
22 Cell cycle
23 Apoptosis・Cell death
24 Low dose・Low dose rate
25 Redox regulation
26 Others
3. Radiation Biology
- Radiation Effects
31 Mutation
32 Chromosomal aberration
33 Carcinogenesis
34 Genome instability
35 Differentiation・Senescence・Immunity
36 Tissue damage
37 Others
4. Radiology 41 Radiation oncology、Radiotherapy biology
42 Radiotherapy physics
43 Particle therapy
44 Tumor immunity・Immunotherapy・Abscopal effect
45 Chemotherapy・Sensitization
46 IVR Diagnostic imaging, Nuclear medicine, IVR
47 Others
5. Radiation epidemiology ・
Exposure effects
51 Atomic bomb effects, Prenatal exposures
52 Occupational and medical exposures
53 Radiation Accidents - Chernobyl and Fukushima
54 Others
6. Non-ionizing radiation 61 Non-ionizing radiation
62 Others
7. Environmental effects 71 Environmental dynamics
72 Space environment, Microgravity
73 Radiation contamination
74 Others
8. Radiation physics ・
81 Microdosimetry
82 Radiation physics
83 Radiation chemistry
84 Others
9. Radiation training 91 Radiation education
92 Risk communication
93 Others
  • Please provide a Japanese (up to 60 characters) and English (within 30 words) title of your presentation.
  • Please use a brief abbreviation for your affiliation.
  • Abstracts should be written in English (up to 250 words). Registration in Japanese is not accepted.
  • The maximum number of presenters is 20, and affiliated institutions are 10.

Award for the Best Presentation

The 67th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Radiation Research Society will select and award the Best Presentation Award. Applicants must be student members or regular members within three years of obtaining their doctoral degree. Oral presentations and on-site poster presentations are eligible. A panel of judges will select the winners of the Best Presentation Award. The review will be conducted in two stages if there are many applicants. The first stage will be based on a peer review of abstracts. All applicants will be notified by e-mail of the results of the first review. Please note that those who are not selected as candidates for the Best Presentation Award in the first round of review will be asked to make an oral or poster presentation of a general presentation.

Traveling Expense Assistance for Student Speakers.

Travel expenses will be reimbursed to student members of The Japanese Radiation Research Society (including those in the process of admission) who have submitted an application for presentation as the first author at the conference. The application procedure will be posted on the Japanese Radiation Research Society's website around August.


The abstracts' copyright belongs to The Japanese Radiation Research Society. Reproduction of the abstracts without the society's permission is prohibited.

The presenters have the copyright to the content of the presentations on the day of the conference.

Disclosure of COI (conflict of interest)

You must disclose any conflicts of interest (COI) in accordance with the conference regulations. Please click here for details.


Cautions regarding the publication of abstracts

After the conference, abstracts will be published in public organizations (e.g., J-GLOBAL) and on the Web of medical journals.

Abstract submission guidelines

Please submit your abstract online by registering with this website.

Please read the following instructions and click the "Abstract Registration" button to register your abstract.

Registration number, ID, and password will be issued at the time of new abstract submission.

Note :

  • After the call for abstracts is closed, you cannot register, modify, or delete your abstract.
  • The Secretariat is not responsible for any errors in the registration details. Please make sure that your registration details are correct before submitting them yourself.
  • If you do not receive a registration completion notification e-mail within one day of completing your registration, please contact the Secretariat. Your e-mail address may be incorrect, or your abstract may not have been registered correctly.
  • Please note that the Secretariat will not be responsible for any registration left unattended without receiving a registration completion notification e-mail.

Affiliation numbers

  • If you are the first author, please fill in the name of your institution at 01 and select 01. If there are other institutions besides 01, please fill in the names of the institutions after 02 and select the number.
  • Co-authors should select 01 if they have the same affiliation as the first author.
  • If you have a different affiliation from the first author, enter the name of the affiliation after 02 and select a number.

Registration of Co-author and Abstract Information

  1. Co-author information
    Enter the names (in Japanese and English) and affiliations (in Japanese and English) of co-authors.
    Up to 20 co-authors and up to 10 institutions can be registered.
  2. Abstract Category
    Refer to the above "Abstract Categories" and select the appropriate one.
  3. Presentation format
    Please select one of the following presentation formats: " Oral Presentation," "Poster Presentation," or "Either.

Rules for abstracts

  1. Please omit corporate names such as "Medical Corporation XX Association" or "Medical Corporation Association".
    In the case of a university, enter "XX University, XX Faculty, XX Department" or "XX University, XX Graduate School, XX Department of XX Studies" without spaces.
  2. Select the appropriate field of presentation. If you chose "Other," please type the field of presentation.
  3. Japanese title: up to 60 characters
    English title: up to 30 words
  4. Abstract text
    Abstracts should be 250 words or less in English (Japanese is unacceptable).
    Please do not include the title, affiliation, name, figures, tables, etc., in the abstract body.
      Please be careful not to exceed the number of characters, as an error will occur, and your abstract will not be registered. If you use special characters, please refer to "Precautions for Entry" before entering them.
  5. After registration is complete, an auto-reply e-mail will be sent to your registered e-mail address.
  6. The Secretariat will contact you by e-mail to confirm the acceptance or rejection of your abstract.

Notes on Entry of Abstracts

Only text can be entered in the abstract title and abstract body.

Correction of registered data

An auto-reply e-mail will be sent to your registered e-mail address after completing your abstract submission.

In the auto-reply e-mail, you will find your "Registration Number," "ID," and "Password." Please use those and click " Register your correction" to make your correction.

Please note that you can only correct the registered data during the abstract submission period.
Please note that you will not be able to modify your data after the registration period has ended.

Personal Information

AThe personal information you have registered will not be used for any purpose other than the preparation of the conference. All personal information will be strictly managed with the necessary security measures.


  • Secretariat
  • 1-5-31-101, Hikino, Yahatanishi-Ku, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 806-0067 Japan