

会 期
927 - 28
会 場


  • 第12回日本放射線事故・災害医学会/日本放射線影響学会第67回大会
  • 大会会長 岡﨑 龍史
  • 産業医科大学 産業生態科学研究所 放射線衛生管理学
大会会長 岡﨑龍史



28日は、明石真言先生による恒例の「最近の放射線事故」、長谷川有史先生による「アメリカ原発の法規制と推進」、さらに東京電力ホールデイングス株式会社の産業医菊地央先生に「福島原発事故の当時の対応とその後」は講演をお願いしています。さらに、メインシンポジウムとして、日本産業衛生学会と日本保健物理学会を含めた4学会による「原子力・放射線事故災害対応」を企画しました。産業医科大学は公的には最初に福島原発事故を支援した機関ですが、その立役者となった森晃爾先生及び立石清一郎先生にシンポジストとなっていただきます。森先生は日本産業衛生学会の理事長で、立石先生は代議員です。また、日本放射線衛生学会理事長の田代聡先生、日本保健物理学会会長の杉浦紳之先生、本学会から前川和彦先生にシンポジストとなっていただき、それぞれの立場から今後の放射線事故対応に関して議論を深めていきたいと考えています。日本産業衛生学会、日本保健物理学会、福岡県医師会にも後援をいただき、様々な学会の立場から語り合えればと考えています。それらを含めて大会テーマを「放射線安全と健康: 知識と協力の架け橋」としております。




The 12th Japanese Association for Radiation Accident/Disaster Medicine (JARADM) will be held for the first time on 27-28 September in Kitakyushu, Japan. This will be a joint conference with the 67th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Radiation Research Society (JRRS).

The 67th Annual Meeting of the JRRS will include a symposium on nuclear and radiation accident response, with Dr. Shunichi Yamashita and researchers from Ukraine. I have asked Dr. Makoto Akashi, President of the JARADM, to invite members of the JARADM to participate in the meeting, and he has nominated me to host the 12th JARADM annual meeting. For this reason, it is a joint meeting. We have also asked a member of the Nuclear Regulation Authority to be a symposium presenter at this symposium. And, we have organized a symposium on ‘Radiation Education’.

On the 28th, we have asked Dr. Mako Akashi to give the customary lecture on ‘Recent Radiation Accidents’, Dr. Arifumi Hasegawa on ‘Regulations and Promotion of Nuclear Power Plants in the USA’, and Dr. Hiroshi Kikuchi, an occupational physician from TEPCO Holdings, on ‘Response to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident now and then’. Furthermore, as the main symposium, ‘Nuclear and Radiation Accident Disaster Response’ has been organized by four academic societies, including the Japan Society for Occupational Health (JSOH) and the Japan Health Physics Society (JHPS). Dr. Koji Mori and Dr. Seiichiro Tateishi, both of whom were involved in organizing the first official response to the Fukushima nuclear accident, will be symposium speakers. Dr. Mori is the President of the JSOH, and Dr. Tateishi is a delegate. In addition, Dr. Satoshi Tashiro, President of the JRRS, Dr. Shinyuki Sugiura, President of the JHPS, and Dr. Kazuhiko Maekawa from our society will serve as symposiasts to deepen the discussion on the future response to radiation accidents from their respective standpoints. We have received support for this joint meeting from the JSOH, the JHPS and the Fukuoka Prefecture Medical Association. We hope to have discussions from the standpoints of various academic societies. Including these, the conference theme is ‘Radiation Safety and Health: Bridging Knowledge and Cooperation’.

Kitakyushu City has the most beautiful night views of Mt. Sarakura, Mt. Takatou and the Moji area, and has been awarded the title of the best in Japan. There are also many tourist attractions such as Kokura Castle and Garden, Moji Retro and Hiraodai, and the city is associated with famous people such as Mori Ogai, Seicho Matsumoto, Reiji Matsumoto and Ken Takakura. Kitakyushu is also famous for its seafood and fugu (balloon fish) due to its location by the sea, as well as local gourmet dishes such as nuka-daki, yaki udon, yaki curry and iron pot gyoza (dumplings).

As this is a joint two-day event, we appologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. We would like to thank everyone involved for their cooperation.

Finally, we hope you will learn and enjoy yourself in Kitakyushu. We look forward to seeing many of you there.